Joyoung DJ13U-D08SG is the best-selling soy milk maker model in 2014. Now, it has been upgraded. What will it become? Joyoung began to enter the American Korean market. Joyoung DJ13U-D08SG increases Korean Panel on the basis of Chinese and English.
Let's take a look at Joyoung DJ13U-D08SG's new box packaging, increasing the introduction of korean.
In fact, the biggest difference between the previous version of the old version of the D08SG is the choice of different functions.
The old version’s functions: Grains, Dry bean, Soaked bean, Jam, Juice, Rice paste, Double Thick, Easy washing.
The new version’s functions: Grains, Soymilk, Rice Porridge,Fine Porridge, Juice, Rice Paste, Double thick, Easy washing.

About Joyoung DJ13M-D08SG's function evaluation, just follow Huarenstore blog.
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